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Last weekend the annual Bike and Walking Fair was held in Amsterdam. Both Saturday and Sunday our ambassador Frank van Rijn gave a presentation about his cycling trips. As usual, Frank drew a crowd: the hall was packed with people, the audience even sat on the stairs and stood in the back not to miss…lees verder
In order to make a wide audience familiar with our work, we have made some “Good Newspapers”. Good Newspaper 2010 (Dutch) [issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110320145051-006dbfa6282845ed85083de65be69040 docname=goednieuwskrant2010 username=CyclingoutofPoverty loadinginfotext=Goed%20Nieuws%20Krant%202010 showhtmllink=true tag=afrika width=420 height=297 unit=px]
In Kenya and Uganda, bicycles are often used as taxis. People are carried from one place to another on a seat on the carrier of the bicycle. Cycling out of Poverty sells these African seats in the Netherlands for fundraising purposes. The original African seats do not fit very well to the Dutch carrier racks….lees verder