@coopafrica : #Bikeventures is nominated for the Travel & Hospitality Award! Proud of our teams in Kenya and Uganda. Bicycle tour… https://t.co/NOoWrtYIFL (via Twitter http://twitter.com/coopafrica/status/864943718054469632)
CONTINUE READING@coopafrica : #Bikeventures in Uganda and Kenya promote cycling. Flood the street with cyclists and bicycle lanes will come.… https://t.co/uTZuIhLVbA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/coopafrica/status/864909524737679360)
CONTINUE READING@coopafrica : RT @BikeVenturesKE: Madaraka Day is fast approaching, do you have a plot? check this out #cycling #kisumu #holiday #picnic #fun… https://t.co/4AkrfCI8pt (via Twitter http://twitter.com/coopafrica/status/864901976244592640)
CONTINUE READING@coopafrica : New bicycle lanes in Kisumu. #Kisumu #BicycleCity. Lets go for prioritised bicycle parkings now at malls. https://t.co/DxJe1XFFgP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/coopafrica/status/864901215838244864)
CONTINUE READING@BikeVenturesKE : Madaraka Day is fast approaching, do you have a plot? check this out #cycling #kisumu #holiday #picnic #fun… https://t.co/4AkrfCI8pt (via Twitter http://twitter.com/BikeVenturesKE/status/864747474115756037)
CONTINUE READING@BikeVenturesKE : #Bikeventures, your number one stop shop for mountain bicycle rentals and tours in Kisumu and Western Kenya. Check… https://t.co/86wi5GPtc4 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/BikeVenturesKE/status/864731000349347840)
CONTINUE READING@BikeVenturesKE : RT @potentash: Row, Row, Row Your Boat -The #Rusinga Boat Race https://t.co/a8bqZAAAuk #TravelTuesday #TembeaKenya #Kenya… https://t.co/nsOh7wpZSr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/BikeVenturesKE/status/864730178232176641)
CONTINUE READINGDe eerste twee fietstaxi koetsiers in Jinja zijn op weg. Zij verkopen op hun gemodificeerde #fietstaxi, de #Chameleon, vers fruit en ijs. We hebben echter nog wel jullie steun nodig om 20 jongeren aan een inkomen te helpen. CooP-Africa (Cycling out of Poverty) streeft ernaar om 10 fietstaxi’s op de weg te krijgen en zo…lees verder
CONTINUE READING@coopafrica : Support @coopafrica en help 20 jongeren in Jinja, Oeganda aan een inkomen @FietstaxiTburg @fietstaxi010… https://t.co/qe3wAi8dXB (via Twitter http://twitter.com/coopafrica/status/864431595654193153)
CONTINUE READINGvia CooP-Africa (Cycling out of Poverty) http://ift.tt/2rj2Bam