A group of bicycle mechanics has been trained in Nakapiripirit district, north western Uganda. In the second week of May, two groups of enthusiastic people went through an intensive three-day training course in two separate villages. In each of the villages Lorengedwat and Moruita five people were trained. They learned most of the aspects involved in maintenance and repairs of bicycles. The mechanics can be of assistance to the 58 health workers in their area who will be equipped with bicycles later this year. Language proved to be a challenge during the training, since in this area of Uganda different categories of the community speak either one or two of the three dialects i.e Kiswahili, Karimojong and Arabic. But with the use of a translator all participants were trained to the desired level and received a certificate. For more information about the bicycle mechanics, click here. For more information about the Bike4Care project, click here.
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