Last year Erik Heijn had to break his sponsor cycling tour after four days cycling due to obstacles on the cycle path. His bike was total loss and Erik was forced to stop cycling. His sponsors did transfer the sponsor amounts and donated 400 euros for CooP-Africa. To keep his promise Erik will try to…lees verder
CONTINUE READINGDuring the ‘Fiets- en Wandelbeurs’ the 11 and 12 February 2012 at the RAI in Amsterdam many people visited the booth of CooP-Africa, Cycling out of Poverty. Frank van Rijn, world cyclist and ambassador of CooP-Africa mentioned CooP-Africa several times during his lectures, and afterwards flyers were distributed. In the booth of Coop-Africa a real…lees verder
CONTINUE READINGSaturday 11 and Sunday 12 February 2012 CooP-Africa participates in the ‘Fiets- en Wandelbeurs’ (Cycling and Rambling fair) in the Amsterdam RAI exhibition centre. Our stand number is 11-D-78. During the fair, we sell lots, with which you can win a Black Mamba bicycle. The proceeds of the lottery goes to the Bike4Care projects. During…lees verder
CONTINUE READINGCooP-Africa has provided 60 bicycles to farmers in a new project location ‘Gakomeye’ in Rwanda . The men and women who have received a bicycle have been making their own plan of how to pay off the bike. On the 5th of January this year the beneficiaries have attended a training on microfinance in Rwanda….lees verder
CONTINUE READINGThe ‘Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving’ (CBF) is an independent foundation in the Netherlands that oversees the collection of money of charitable organisations. Charitable organisations can obtain a CBF certification or certificate if they meet the requirements of the CBF, concerning trustworthy fundraising and spending. In late January 2012, CooP-Africa received the CBF certificate for small charities….lees verder