On November 16 2011, the Soroptimists Club Nijmegen organises a movie night for Cycling out of Poverty. Soroptimists are professional women who are committed to the advancement of women and children. The Dutch Union is part of the worldwide service organisation Soroptimist International and has a network of nearly 100,000 women across all continents. Soroptimists provide service and actively support local, national and international communities.
The movie night will take place in the LUX Theatre in Nijmegen the Netherlands. The film is called “Made in Dagenham” directed by Nigel (Calendar Girls): a group of women working at a Ford factory in the late sixties, decide they no longer agree with being paid less than men. While almost everyone around them say they are fighting for a lost cause, they don’t give up. Although they meet a lot of resistance, they manage to stir the male-dominated world.
Tickets include two drinks and are available at € 20.00 each at rvdsluis@planet.nl. The welcoming is between 19.00 and 19.30 in the Lux Cafe, the film runs from 19.45 – 21.30 in room LUX 1, and afterwards there is a snack and a drink. The profits of this movie night, are allocated to Cycle2School project in Uganda.
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